Commonly Asked Questions
Q: I know you personally Abbie, how will that work?
I take absolute pride in my ability to make our sessions completely confidential and keep our coaching relationship separate from any relationship we have outside of this space. This is part of the reason I am a coach – I wouldn’t do it if I couldn’t! You will have to trust me on this one, but please know that I take your trust and confidence in me very seriously.
Q: I'm worried that this is counselling...
Coaching is not counselling. Health & Life Coaching has a specific scope of practice, and if anything moves outside of that scope, we will discuss other support if necessary. In Coaching we focus on the future and action that you can take right now to move you forward. As your Coach, I will provide general Health & Lifestyle recommendations utilising my knowledge from my Bachelor Degree, Pilates training, Yoga training, Health & Life Coach study as well as my own personal study and experience for you to try and implement, but beyond that Coaching does not give advice or tell you what to do! It is all about uncovering your own wisdom, that you have right now and we all have, it may just be a little lost!
Q: Are you going to make me quit everything I love?
Short answer. No!
Clients are pleasantly surprised to find that this is not the case. In Health Coaching we say that food is ‘Secondary’ and that your Primary Food is made up of how you live, relate to others, work, move your body, love yourself, have a full and joyful life and more. Saying that though, we also say that ‘Food Changes Everything’, but this comes with a caveat that obsessiveness and rigidity is not healthy either. If you are able to create a level of flexibility that is just right for you this will create Health for Life. I also draw on the teachings of Tantra which convey that this human experience includes the joy and pleasure of food, taste, smell, sight – all of our senses to enjoy our life fully.
Beyond that you have to find out!
Q: What do we talk about?
Anything. Life. Your health priorities right now. What you want!
We look at your daily routines, what and how you eat, how you move, what you drink, consume, spend time on, who you spend time with, what are your hobbies, do you love your work, how much sleep do you get…..
Every series is different. Mostly I listen to you. I ask you questions. Then you listen to you. We work together.
Q: It seems alot of money for only seeing you twice a month...
It does. I remember starting my own coaching series and thinking that very thing. But once I had seen with my own eyes the magic that comes from seeing your coach every fortnight and the ripple effect this has on your whole life, I quickly felt it was worth every cent, and wondered why I hesitated.
I think we are used to handing out money every few weeks for say beauty, hair, massages, chiropractors, physio’s, PT’s, Yoga, Naturopaths, Dentist & Doctors check ups etc…These costs add up too if you do them over 6 months. And I also think that we are happy to pay for someone if we think that they are going to ‘help’ or ‘fix’ our problem. The problem is that unless our health or lifestyle changes we have to keep getting that ‘help’ or ‘fix’. Coaching kind of works in reverse. You are creating the health you want so that you don’t need ‘fixing’!!
Also, try not to think of it as how much it works out to each session; remember you are paying for a coaches time, but also the work that is done behind the scenes for them to meet you there, the work that has been done over years and the study and skills they have gained prior to now.
You may have to take my word on this, but you are working on your life here. Is there anything more important?
Q: Why does the coaching series go for 6 months? It seems a big commitment.
The IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) method for Health Coaching advocates a 6 month programme as it allows for real life – time to consider change, resist change!, implement change, have life impact those changes both positively and negatively and then re-implement change again!!
Anything less, while positive changes are definitely possible, they have less time to really get them integrated into life and it’s ups and downs.
6 Months gives you time to really get to know yourself. It allows me to really get to know you. It allows for us to build a solid level of trust and the quality of our coaching series is influenced by this amazing relationship that we form.
Within the coaching series, 6 months allows us to steadily work through all aspects of your life. We get to move beyond the superficial food and exercise, and look at how satisfied you are with all parts of your life. Health Coaching philosophy is based on the theory that your health, wellbeing and happiness are determined by far more that what you eat and how much you exercise and so our programme reflects this. I draw on this theory and the mind-body approach to health and wellbeing in my work.
The 6 month programme to me is like no other. It allows for real transformation so that you can have the life you have only dreamed of!
So…are you ready? Let’s find that Inner Glow that you’ve dreamed of, so you can be your very best self, the amazing woman I know you already are!
Contact me here to book in your Complimentary Consult. I can’t wait to meet you.
This may not be for you, if you:
Have untreated mental health issues
Have any uncontrolled health problems
Are unwilling to take positive action towards your own personal transformation
Are looking for the ‘magic pill’ or ‘quick fix’
You want someone to tell you what to do!